Construction: 70% Stone Polymer Composite
Dimensions: 7" (180mm) x 48" (1220mm) Finish: Prime Urethane with Ceramic Bead Coating & Extra Anti-Stain Resistance Coating Thickness: 6.5mm (attached 1.5mm IXPE anti-microbial acoustic underlayment) Clicking System: Uniclic Glueless Floating Click Profile: Micro-Bevel Density: 2,100 psi Commercial Wear Layer: 0.5mm/20mil Sqft/Box: 18.9; 8pcs/box With the warm and inviting colors of a traditional cabin feel with the modern style that you can't help but love, Flalaise flooring delivers amazing authenticity while maintaining an eye for contemporary design. Widely compatible in any space from your home or office, this beautiful material features rich brown patterns infused by slight reddish hues, which create clean lines without being too dramatic. Perfect for cozy living rooms with roaring fireplaces or robust leather furniture and deep brown walls, Falaise flooring is an ideal choice for any space looking to add some class and character while still maintaining its modern appeal. Whether you're building an idyllic kitchen or modern living room, Falaise offers flexibility in style that works well with many color schemes, complementing various cabinet finishes such as Red Oak, black, white, and espresso. The rich brown patterned wood finish offers exceptional quality with a perfect balance between warm hues that will blend seamlessly into your décor without overwhelming it. |